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22 Dailly Street, Saint Cloud, France
ZAC Barbusse Chandon, Genevilliers, France
Eden Roc, Dakar, Senegal
Islet 22, ZAC of Fauvelles, Courbevoie, France
102 bd of Courcelles, Paris 17, France
Alençon Street, Courbevoie, France
Montmartre Studios, Paris 18, France
Handicap hospital center, ADAPT, Chatillon, France
National Institute of Agronomical Development
Poissonniers Street Business Incubator, Paris 18, France
Newbridge and Cegetel, ZAC Danton, Courbevoie la Défense, France
British Petroleum French Headquarters, Cergy-Pontoise
The Diamond, Total headquarters and the Republic district, Puteaux la Défense, France
Rueil 2000 Urban and Business Center, Rueil-Malmaison, France
Landscaping plan of the Zengchen botanical gardens, Guangzhou, China
Landscape of the peninsula of the French-Chinese district of Wuhan, China
Saint Louis High School, Chateaulin, France
Renovation of the liquor dock, Paris Saint Denis, France
Museum of Telecommunications
UFR of Arts and Human Sciences, Orleans University, France
Sports and Cultural Complex, Roanne, France
National Oil and Gas Institute, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Faculty of Pantheon Assas, Paris II Sorbonne University, Paris, France
Binhu Business District, Hefei, China
Sinovac Quality Control Center, Beijing, China
Chengdu East Financial Center, China
Faculty of Design of HIT, Shenzhen, China
Terra Botanica Park in Angers, France
Grand Palace garden art, Paris, France
Village Nature Center Park, Marne la Vallée/Bailly-Romainvilliers, France
Landscaping Plan of the Dongguan Business District, China
La Defense CBD Urban Improvement
Lyon Confluence Strategy and Leading Sketch, Lyon, France
Leading Sketch, Master Plan, and Urban Project Management, North Bahrain New Town, Bahrain
Henqin New District Waterfront Area Urban & Landscape Design, Zhuhai
Development and Project Management of the Technological University of Beijing, Zhuhai, China
Leading Strategic Sketch of the riverfront of Dongguan, China
The Yangtze River Protection and Urban-rural Integration Demonstration Project of Longpao New City, Liuhe District, Nanjing